On-site / Off-site Programs

Dive into hands-on STEM learning with South Dakota Discovery Center resources and support!

Please note that Group Visit and On-site STEMventure Programs can be booked year-round every Monday thru Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm, and on Sundays from 1:00pm-5:00pm. These experiences MUST be booked and confirmed in advance.

Jump to the section that you are interested in by clicking on the buttons below, or scroll down to find out more about all of our on-site and off-site program offerings! 






If you are interested, check out our Teaching Methods and Mission.

STEMventure Exploration Kits

It’s a STEM exploration library! Our STEMventure Exploration Kits make it easy for you to integrate hands-on STEM learning into formal and informal education opportunities!  Check one out now for during your visit to the SDDC Exhibit Hall or to be shipped to you for integration into your science curriculum or activity.

We’ve gathered the materials and information for you, and with an Exploration Kit, you can incorporate science learning fun right into your teaching or activity. These kits range from curriculum enhancement that integrates Indigenous Knowledge to hands-on STEM activities that engage all science learning.

Our STEMventures are an important tool for institutions and organizations that need science instruction support. Access to STEMventures is a huge benefit to children and students, encouraging engagement with their science identity and building their curiosity.

STEMventure Programs

Led by a SDDC Museum Educator, our STEMventure Traveling and On-Site Programs are for everyone, and they can be booked for during a Group Visit to the SDDC Exhibit Hall or as a Traveling Program. With a STEMventure, you dive deep into hands-on STEM learning and share experiences that last a lifetime. 


Special Events

Create science exploration opportunities! Contact us with your idea today by emailing info@sd-discovery.org. For Special Events taking place at the South Dakota Discovery Center, please review our Special Events page

Festivals & Camps

Water Festivals

Water Festivals are interactive events with festival-style stations that serve students, grades 4-12, and happen across South Dakota throughout the year. 

The SDDC hosts the Central South Dakota Water Festival every May for 4th and 5th graders located in central South Dakota. Teachers can sign up to receive festival information here.


The SDDC hosts the STEM Discovery Summer Camps every year May-August for Pierre-Fort Pierre area residents and visitors, PreK-8th grade, that encourage young campers to explore with professional educators different STEM careers—beyond an at-home Pinterest experience, our camps build STEM knowledge and future career confidence

Did you know that you can also create science discovery camp opportunities? From after school opportunities to targeted programs that help your group or club learn specific STEM skills, contact us with your needs today by emailing info@sd-discovery.org