Special Events

Create science exploration opportunities for everyone!

Contact us today by emailing info@sd-discovery.org with your idea for a special event to take place during regular business hours. Special Events must be booked at least 3 months in advance, with requests being submitted as soon as possible for SDDC Programs Department scheduling.

FREE Exhibit Hall Days

Special Events at the South Dakota Discovery Center can be a FREE Exhibit Hall Day for area students, schools, and families. Each year we have 5 recurring special events of this type, and they impact hundreds of young explorers. 

  • Robotics Day, hosted by BankWest, every January
  • Engineers Day, hosted by the SD Engineering Society Central Chapter, every February
  • Spring & Fall Meet-A-Scientist, hosted by SD EPSCoR, every March and September


Educational Programs & Series

Special Events at the South Dakota Discovery Center can include an educational program or series for area students, schools, and families. We also work with artists, musicians, and STEM organizations that want to reach area students and families in the SDDC Exhibit Hall. Make your impact today by calling (605) 224-8295 or emailing info@sd-discovery.org with your idea.

  • Starry Saturdays, hosted by a variety of sponsors every second Saturday of the month


What is your idea?

When submitting your request for a Special Event, please include the following information:

Please Note: the only requirements for a Special Event are that there is a connection to science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM) and that it fits within previously scheduled events and staff time. Special Event pricing is based on different factors, including but not limited to your event support needs, please email info@sd-discovery.org to inquire. The South Dakota Discovery Center retains the right to decline Special Event opportunities or cancel a scheduled Special Event (in the case of a cancellation, organizers will be refunded as applicable).