Virtual Scrubs Camp

Students can explore the world of healthcare with our scrubs camp on demand!

Are you a middle or high school teacher looking to explore the world of healthcare careers with students, but finding it difficult to locate resources?

Checkout our brand new Virtual Scrubs Camp (formerly Scrubs Camp On Demand). This interactive course includes fun-filled, game-based activities for 6th-12th grade students. Games like Operation and Organ Attack have a career twist! Best of all, we provide the game!

Operation (Grades 6-8): A relay-style of the popular buzzing board game, students work to complete a healthcare workforce puzzle.

Organ Attack (Grades 6-8/Grades 9-12): It is a competition to stay alive as you protect yourself from the bodily harm of your opponents! Levels of complexity depend on the age of students.

Chat Chains (Grades 6-12). Learn about mental and behavioral health careers while giving your students a mental health break by connecting with each other through fun questions.

You can find these activities and more at our Virtual Scrubs Camp site. 

Virtual Scrubs Camp increases student awareness of the education and skills needed to join the health field, while building knowledge of careers available in South Dakota. Email with any questions!